So, you’re a fan of Doom right? Then this post right here is for you. Back then when Doom I was the hot shit in video gaming, a Doom Comic was made. It was only 16 pages long, and featured one of the goriest comics at that time.
But what is truly scary about this comic, is the total non-sense of it. Even I had better stories in my head while I was playing Doom late at night and very nervous.
The Doom Comic is not actually the hot shit, is just CRAP. The story basically consists of an unknown man or “the Space Marine” trying to reach the BFG to kill a Cyber Demon. In his way he kills a million zombies, imps, and whatever was in his way. While doing so this crazy dude, shoots some of the most infamous phrases on comic book history such as:
“Rip and Tear Your Guts!
You are huge, that means you have huge guts!
Rip and Tear!”
And…that’s not the work of a single author. Did you really believe this could be just one normal mind? It took two crackhea… I mean men.
Anyway, players, I won’t ruin all the madness of the comic for you, Read the Doom Comic, then tell me what you think. I just hope the Doom Movie is not based on the comic. :P