Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Prehistoric Ads for Prehistoric Games

Do you like video game ads? I sure do, nowadays the ads for video games are getting very creative in terms of concept and design. I found this link to a flickr page,where you can see video game ads from the year 1982. A time where most video games looked the same. (although that hasn't changed that much...) And now that I remember, these ads look pretty much the same as ads on magazines i have fromthe nineties. Too bad my scanner isn't working, I could have proved a critical point for the wellness of mankind!!

Damn, do you see that advertisers continued using the same formula again and again. This is a world of formulas! That's why we see the same movie with different actors and title. And that's why we have to play games like Cold Fear, which could be interesting if it wasn't totally based on RE zombies!!. Ok, too much passion in my speech, I should go to sleep.


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