Friday, August 29, 2008

Chuck Norris – Bring on The Pain

If you are a fan of Check Norris, you Hill love the new game out there for cell phones, it is called Check Norris: Bring on the Pain. And well, it is about Chuck Norris bringing on the pain to thousands of enemies during his movie career.

This is actually the second official game ever made about Mr. Norris, the first one is a classic for the Commodore 64 called Chuck Norris Superkicks. I have found videos of the two games for you to check out.

I must say though that the new game looks very cool. Just take a look at the intro art! I’m sure a horde of Chuck Norris fans will be there downloading this game.

EDIT: The video of the new game can't be embedded so here's the link for you to chekc out!