Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Next Generation of Gamers

I was reading a post in Joystiq yesterday about their review of the Xbox 360. They get on to talk about the new features of the 360 and how it is new in the aspect of playing online. They also mention that the advances of the Xbox 360 is geared more to the new generation of gamers.

More than entering a new era of consoles we are entering a new era of gaming. Over the years and with games like Counter Strike and Unreal we've seen how gamers are becoming popular and some people emerge as elite. This next generation is all about seeing gaming not only as a single player mode but as a collective experience, more like sunday football games. I think it's cool, although I probably won't spend a sunday afternoon seeing the Dead or Alive World Cup!

To reach that point maybe we should make games fully customizable in terms on the player, and I mean FULLY, that way we could recognize each player. Like a car that has distinctives features and tweakings. If someone is geared towards next gen gamers, I think they should follow that path.


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