Thursday, October 20, 2005

Happy Birthday Dear NES!! With a delay

I feel like I forgot one of my best friend's birthday. Yeah, whatever anyway: Happy Birthday and 2 days!!! The NES is 20 years old, I wouldn't say alive and kicking, but I would say living virtually through ROMs.... long will you stay...

The NES came to life on October 18th, 1985 in the US, so my guess is it should be a little older.
Don't forget next year! he's turning 21, now we can go drink some Vodka Tonics!

1 comment:

Raphael said...

Yeah bitch! Happy B day to the mofo NES! N u betta buy me sumtin fo my mofo B'day comin up Jan 2! Bitch!

Pimps up!
Hoes down!