Friday, September 01, 2006

Lost Planet, Xbox 360 exclusive

Well, I've been playing for a while Dead Rising and Saints Row, both great games by the way. But another game I'm looking forward to get my hands on is Lost Planet.

Lost Planet is a Capcom game. And I love Capcom ever since they created Megaman. Had an Xbox prevously so I really had no chance to play Devil May Cry, because it was a PS3 exculsive title aimed more to the Asian market. Now I don't know where did they get that bullshit from, but now they are making up for it and releasing some cool titles.

Lost Planet by the way will be a 360 exclusive title, so I'm pretty glad I bought one. In the words of Jun Takeuchi, or JT for the friends:

Lost Planet is an exclusive Xbox 360 title. Typically when the development team sets out to create a game, we focus development of the title on a single platform and for Lost Planet that platform is the Xbox 360. We have no plans at this time of porting to or developing for another console as this would potentially dilute the final product.

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