Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Worst Game Covers

Remember when first first came out? The graphics were not as cool as they are now, they had to sell us the ideal look of the game through the box illustration. I remember actually feeling disappointed when I got to play some games for my old PC. There are some illustrators, however that kept the covers shitty, even in great games. Take for example the box cover of the first Megaman game for NES. Damn, Megaman looked like a chimp wearing Football gear!!

Finally someone has arrived to exposed the truth about this. Someone with the courage to say Pac Man has one of the worst game covers ever. And even tackle recent games for the PS2 and te Gameboy Advance. By the way, the page is written in portuguese, but don't worry it is just click and watch action.

1 comment:

Doom/Blondie said...

that is beautiful... in the olden days the covers were soooo deceptive... and the games were so bad.

But when we were kids, the covers and the instructions WERE the game - stylistically it was those that made the game what it was... when you played the game it always ended up so dull and depetitive... but that is the beauty of classic games... the world within the box... that never ever lived up to a 10 year old's imagination.